Timofii Shcherbatykh is the CEO of a company with offices across Ukraine, employing over 600 staff. 

Since the war started, he’s turned his attention not only to ensuring the safety of his team but has transformed his offices in Lviv into makeshift logistics and operations centres. 

Having personally donated over $50,000 and raising over $250,000 from his client network, he is now spending every waking hour speaking with philanthropists in hopes of gathering more donations, overseeing runs of supplies from the border and hashing together logistics plans with his team to get them to where they are most needed.

We connected with Tim to run through the situation in more detail and understand exactly what challenge they are facing on the ground. We were surprised to learn that the big charities and organisations receiving the bulk of the donations are NOT able to provide effective support to the people who need it the most because it’s too dangerous.

90% of the aid is going to the refugees fleeing their homes. Of course this is valuable, but Tim explained that the refugees are not the ones who really need the support. The civilians who are in the most danger are the ones who are fighting for their homes and their cities on the ground. And they’ve run out of supplies. 

Tim explained that nobody in the major cities can get bandages, medical equipment & medicines, food, survival equipment and so on. Everything’s gone, and there are civilians standing up to the Russian army with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

How Your Donations Can Help Ukrainians Directly

Tim’s 3 story office is now a logistics warehouse for receiving and distributing vital medical and military supplies to the civilian heroes on the front line.

And on top of this, he has organised a “green corridor” to transport supplies in from Poland by train and by road into the centre of Kyiv; an area which cannot be reached by the larger charities despite its residents being the ones in the greatest danger.

This also cannot be done by larger organisations as there is too much red tape involved, which is a huge problem which isn’t discussed in mainstream media. 

Tim’s 3 story office is now a logistics warehouse for receiving and distributing vital medical and military supplies to the civilian heroes on the front line.

And on top of this, he has organised a “green corridor” to transport supplies in from Poland by train and by road into the centre of Kyiv; an area which cannot be reached by the larger charities despite its residents being the ones in the greatest danger.

This also cannot be done by larger organisations as there is too much red tape involved, which is a huge problem which isn’t discussed in mainstream media. 


It’s all well and good sending piles of cash to the government and larger charities, but since the Ukrainian financial system is no longer functioning properly, it’s extremely hard to get that cash (and the supplies & equipment purchased) to the ones who need it the most and who can make a real difference. 

It’s resourceful CEOs like Tim and his team on the ground who can make the biggest difference. 

They’re the ones actively defending their cities, and actively funding and arranging for the supplies to get to their friends and family in the danger zones. 


It’s all well and good sending piles of cash to the government and larger charities, but since the Ukrainian financial system is no longer functioning properly, it’s extremely hard to get that cash (and the supplies & equipment purchased) to the ones who need it the most and who can make a real difference. 

It’s resourceful CEOs like Tim and his team on the ground who can make the biggest difference. 

They’re the ones actively defending their cities, and actively funding and arranging for the supplies to get to their friends and family in the danger zones. 

For the short term, it is clear how all of us outside Ukraine can help – by supporting the local civilians in the most danger as best we can. Tim and his team have let us know exactly what they need, and together we can get them these life saving supplies. 

This will enable them to continue supporting and funding the humanitarian and defensive efforts of the Ukrainian heroes who are fighting for their homes, their families, and their lives. 

Ukraine’s inspiring bravery has been nothing short of remarkable, but it’s time for us all to step up and do everything that we can to ensure that the Ukrainian people have loved ones, homes, and a country to go back to once Putin and his disgusting tirade is bought to it’s knees. 

It’s time for us to stand together and respond how we’d want the rest of the world to respond if it was our families and country that we are going through what Ukraine is right now.

Why We Are Focusing on Assisting Ukrainians Still in Ukraine

  • 90% of the money that’s going to the larger charities is going to the refugees, but is NOT going to the people still defending their cities who are in the most danger. 
  • This puts these Ukrainians (Many of who are mine & Jon’s friends) in life threatening danger
  • Tim has converted his 3 story offices to a logistics hub for receiving and distributing supplies.
  • He has also arranged a “green corridor” and network of volunteers to transport in supplies by train and car from across the Polish border. 
  • Tim is spearheading a major operation on the ground that is attempting to save hundreds or even thousands of lives. He needs help & funding. 
  • ‘Love Ukraine’ is directly funding the efforts of Tim and his team to provide critical, life-saving supplies to the civilians who are defending their homes in the major Ukrainian cities.
  • You can help by purchasing your wristband here, and then spreading the word with everyone you know to do the same! Just send your friends and family to www.loveukraine.org 

Tim – Our main contact on the ground in Ukraine who’s spearheading the humanitarian and relief efforts in the most dangerous areas of Ukraine.